Badge shapes can be useful when creating badge icons for your next e-commerce design. Supported Adobe Photoshop versions – CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6.,Check out more arrows for your designs.,Downloads: 95381,File Size: 99.92 kB, 69 + Web Arrows Icons shapes Today’s freebie for designers is a pack of 35+ badge photoshop custom shapes in CSH & SVG file format. Available in CSH file format, these vector arrows symbols are ideal for creating arrow icons for your website designs. Supported Adobe Photoshop versions – CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6.,Check out more arrows for your designs.,Downloads: 95382,File Size: 99.92 kB, 70+ Web Arrows Icons shapes photoshop Today’s free collection of photoshop custom shapes includes 70+ web arrows icons.

Facebook Logo custom shapes for Photoshop, you can easily use this Free Shapes in your Facebook Designs, these custom shapes are related to social network logos Facebook logo custom shapesExclusively on Brushez facebook logo custom shapes Today’s free collection of photoshop custom shapes includes 70+ web arrows icons.